

I found the whole assignment a lot harder than the rest before hand, because I had to look a bit harder to find the information and due to not fully understanding the assignment I had to reread through the assignment brief a few times. The web node website was tricky to get a hold of too. It took me almost a whole lesson and an hour or so at home to get used to it. The worst part was the word usage on it. It was nothing like Microsoft word, this meant I had to do my work on Word and transfer it across. I had to rearrange the layout as well. Getting past the little problems with the website it was good in all. I think I have a good layout and the information is easily accessible. The only major problem i had was the 3rd part of the assignment I could find no information anywhere I looked, it was also due to not fully understanding what was asked which I solved by talking to my lecturer. If I had to do the assignment again i would of spent more time looking for new information and improving my actual assignment instead of tweaking my website. The biggest downfall of the assignment was lack of understanding and lack of knowledge to find the information asked. My personal understanding of the games industry was very basic until i looked into it. I now understand the 4 sides to making a game. What jobs are available to people in the industry and what responsibilities they have and what is expected of them.

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